A Case refers to a detailed description of a query or problem. The Case Management within X-En allows customer service teams to capture all the relevant details about each case such as case name, subject, contact name, product name, type, priority and status.
Add priority to cases based on timeline and level of criticality.
Add/link documents to each case and maintain a central repository of documents for all users' cases within a central knowledge base.
Allocate knowledge base entries to help service desk staff to solve cases more rapidly and efficiently.
Assign Case Manager and next Assigned To for each individual case.
Audit trail of all changes to cases by username and date/time.
Create cases manually by service desk staff or users visiting the self-service portal.
Efficiently record and track complete case details including case status, impact and priority.
Monitor customer issues, including the time and action taken to resolve each issue.
Self-service view for end user.
Track recent activities associated with all cases through updates on individual dashboards.
Track recent activities associated with all cases through updates on individual dashboards.
Use workflow definitions to route each case from one Next Acton state to another and allocate Next Action User (Assigned To).